Keep Climbing

with Matt Hullander

🖼The Art of Connection: Building Bridges for Success Jan 10, 2024

Being a connector is an area that I thrive. I have been connecting people and creating great partnerships where someone gets the support they need to grow and succeed. Connecting others to build...

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🥂Consistently Embrace Change Because New Year’s Resolutions Are Just Stupid Jan 10, 2024

New Year's resolutions often carry the weight of clichés and unfulfilled promises. The notion of waiting for a specific date to initiate change seems arbitrary, especially when improvement...

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👔Embracing Authenticity: It's Not About Best Dressed Anymore Jan 09, 2024

The pressure to fit into societal molds or conform to others' expectations can be suffocating. We often find ourselves tangled in the pursuit of being perceived as the "best dressed,"...

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💪🏼Joining Forces to Fight Teenage Suicide: A Personal Journey of Advocacy Jan 07, 2024

In life, some encounters and experiences shape our paths in unexpected ways. For me, it began with a chance introduction to Clark Flatt, the founder of a foundation dedicated to preventing teenage...

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🧡The Power of a Supportive Life Partner: Navigating Life's Roller Coaster Together Jan 05, 2024

It was an ordinary day when I walked into my friend Bobby's office, seeking financial aid for an uncertain future—a divorce. Little did I know that amidst the transactions and discussions...

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📈Redefining Accountability: A Positive Force for Success Jan 04, 2024

Within our personal tribe or peer group, accountability stands as one of our fundamental pillars. Yet, it's unfortunate how this concept often gets a bad rap in society. It's commonly associated...

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🦆Embracing Patience: Lessons From The Duck Blind Jan 01, 2024

As I sat in the Arkansas duck blind, surrounded by the crisp morning air and the promise of a successful hunt, it struck me how much the simple act of waiting taught me about life. The lesson...

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💪🏼Want it? Go Get It! Nov 06, 2023

In a world filled with dreams and aspirations, it's easy to get caught up in the excitement of planning and imagining the possibilities. We envision the success, the accolades, and the...

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🟠No Negativity Means Having Positivity Nov 06, 2023

In my journey, I've come to realize the power of positivity. It's not just a feel-good mantra; it's a way of life. One of the core behaviors I embraced and preached in my business was "No...

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✈️The Wisdom in Letting Go: Dealing with Worry Nov 06, 2023

Worry, that nagging companion that often overstays its welcome. It's a feeling that we've all experienced at some point in our lives. It creeps in, whispering worst-case scenarios and filling our...

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✈Once I Get There, I'll Be Happy...B.S. Nov 06, 2023

We often hear the saying, "Once I get there, I'll be happy," but is that really the key to a fulfilling life? I beg to differ. In my experience, it's not about reaching the destination, but about...

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👍🏼Wherever You Are, Be A Good One Nov 06, 2023

I recently had the pleasure of staying at The Hermitage Hotel in Nashville, a historic gem that has stood tall since its construction in 1909. What struck me most about this magnificent...

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